There are no limits to where the VIVA Sport can take you - this insole is great for anything from running, basketball, tennis, and skiing. You can also slip these into your hiking boots and hit the trail or put them in your gym shoes to support your weight-lifting sessions. The activity is up to you but leave the foot relief to the VIVA Sport.
Handmade in Germany, the VIVA Sport cushions and supports your whole foot during physical activity. The semi-rigid footbed has a diagonal bridge function that stabilizes, aligns, and supports your feet. This insole is made from natural materials and a durable high-tech fibre that reduces shock to the feet. This fibre also wicks away sweat, so you don’t have to worry about any additional odour - just air your insoles out when you get home. No solvents are used in pedag products, and we only use water-based adhesives.